Friday, April 20, 2012

Mast with future material

A month a go finally we got our delivery from China... They call it 'Bamboo Stick'...
Since long time China leading in Bamboo things, from tooth pick, chop stick up to building material, now they develop mast use bamboo too.
We find here in Bali people make custom board with bamboo veneer so we are planning to make our own custom board with bamboo. When we found an over of Bamboo mast in our email box from Chinese company, we didn't think twice, and we ordered it immediately. It would really great to have bamboo board and then sail with bamboo mast, isn't it?.
The one in the picture is mast size 490 cm. It is a composite material with carbon. Only the half down part use bamboo laminate and the half top part still use carbon.
I have to wait my husband back from Tripoli to tell how the performance of this bamboo stick, because his the one which will use it. 490 mast is too big for me. My biggest sail until now is 7.1 and this don't need such a big mast.