The place is about 30 km from the Tunise border. It is still in Libya teritory. Not much people know this village except people living in Libya and love wind sport, means sport like windsurfing or kite surfing. The small long island made only from sand protecting the small harbour. The small island called Farwa. I don't really know the name of the village. People always called it Farwa the same name as that small island but I am not sure this is the right name. If we driving from Tripoli we have to pass the small city called Swara then leave the main access cross border road to the beach road. It is one of industrial village of Libya. As a marking you can find 2 big factory, ceramics and tiles factory at the left side and chemical and plastic factory at the right side. After the chemical factory there's a camp of the workers and just before the street continue to the main street there's a small fish factory. You have to leave the asphalt road in front of this fish factory to the unpave road and just right side of it you can see the steel gate to the hotel. The only hotel in this area. If you not familiar with the area will be difficult to find the place. Hans was several time went there until finally he found the hotel. To drive from Tripoli needs around one and half hour to reach this village with avarage speed 120km per hour. The hotel is small but okey, avarage standard hotel with Libyan style. It is clean and quite, people are friendly. We love the Libyan food they have for dinner. It just standard Libyan food but taste good and you will get full menu, salad, soup, main dish couscous with haruf and fish, and after a bowl of apples and bananas.
The live looks very simple there. Before the dusk come women and kids chilled out at the beach. In the morning people are working, kids going to school and women stay in the house. The village is very quite during day time. Nothing special in this village except the wind. I think this village is the most windiest place in Libya and almost a whole year you can go for windsurf and kitesurf, in any direction of the wind. Summer and winter. 'When we are not able to windsurf in any other place in Libya we always can windsurf there', that's what Hans said.
Corner part of the lagoon the water is too shallow and we have to walk far until reach the deeper water. So the starting place for windsurf and kitesurf is in front of the factory camp. The lagoon has flat water and at the starting place the water only waist deep. Because the water is not deep and it is so flat so it is perferct for somebody start learning kitesurfing. It has big sandy open area at the beach for launching the kite. The lagoon it self also long and wide so tens of kiters will not make the water become crowded. It also perfect for windsurf. And for the storm chaser it is also the right place. One time we was in Farwa during winter time I was not able to windsurf there. The wind blowing so strong more than 20 knots. Everything is blown away, the beach chairs, the food, putting the beach umbrella is a mission imposible. My other problem is the water so cold. I have 3.5 mm wetsuit which is good enough but when the finger is frosting it is so difficult to hold anything.
April to June we have good wind in Tripoli specially Regatta thats why we don't like to drive far to windsurf. But July in Tripoli not much windy days we have very few really good wind so we start thinking to go Farwa where always wind. Now it is the third time for me to go there for windsurf. It was a week ago. We checked our windguru and it said that for our weekend at Friday the wind will be around 12 knots and as usual the summer thermic wind start around 2 pm. In Friday morning we check once again the weather forecast we compare windguru and windfinder, it showed almost the same prediction. So we pack our car with some of our equipment including beach matt and chair, then at 12 am we left the house. Driving is easy on Friday and normally the street is always quite, people are going to the mosque or just stay at home. Before 2 pm we arrived, we could feel that the wind already coming, we made reservation in the hotel and then heading direct to the beach after. At 2 pm the wind start picked up and when after we finished put out all the equipment from the car the wind is reach avarage of 14 knots. Stronger than what we expecting. The wind was picked up more but I am not measured it again. I just take a rest when the wind getting stronger and I was over power. We were 3 cars, 3 windsurfer and 2 kiters. I had a good time with my 5.8 m sail and 120L board. What I like most from this trip is, we can stay late up to 8 pm and I have not to cook after. Because the nice dinner is ready for us. I haven't any picture during windsurf because when we are all in the water nobody taking pictures.